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Therapeutic Preparation for Adoption

Therapeutic Preparation for Adoption is an attachment based therapy that lays the foundation on which permanency can be built in the adoptive placement. Designed for children aged two years and above who are transitioning to adoption the therapy supports the child to understand and manage the transition. 

Key messages such as why the child could not remain with their birth family, what foster care is, why they will have a new family, why the long-term placement is permanent, and what the adoptive placement is safe and nurturing are explained through play and direct work. The foundation for attachment is developed through greater certainty and understanding.

Prospective adoptive parents are guided through potential post-transition challenges that have been identified during the therapy. If there is a sibling separation the therapy can support children to understand this separation.

For children four years of age and older, who have entered the pre-operational phase of cognitive development, the therapy can resolve conflicts with their acceptance of permanency before a move. Adoptive Parents whose children have received this therapy report they feel the therapy helped their child accept permanency in their care.   

Therapeutic Preparation for Adoption is delivered in the foster carer’s home and, if possible, in the adoptive parent’s home post-transition. 

This therapy is particularly helpful for children with complex attachment challenges, children who have experienced placement breakdown, and older children moving on to permanency.

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