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Childhood Aggression

Childhood aggression comes in many forms including hitting, kicking, biting, throwing items, destruction and verbal aggression. It can be linked to conditions such as ADHD, ASD or attachment challenges or have no medical basis. Childhood aggression can be targeted towards parents, teachers, peers, or siblings.

When childhood aggression occurs, it can be difficult to manage due to the risk of injury posed to the child and others. Parents and carers can feel overwhelmed and at a loss as to how to manage this behaviour and support the child.


At The Behaviour Clinic we specialise in supporting parents/carers to manage aggressive behaviours, assessing the root cause of the problem, and providing therapy to the child. Our practice is evidence based, using techniques that have worked effectively with other children.

Therapy Options

For children displaying regular childhood aggression we recommend our Basic or Complex Emotional and Behavioural Support Programme. This programme provides a comprehensive assessment of why the problem behaviours are occurring and designs a therapeutic programme individual to the child. The programme will include support for parents/carers and therapy for the child based on this assessment. For children with complex challenges in home support can be provided.


We specialise in working with children who display this type of high level challenging behaviour and use evidence based techniques to reduce aggression.


If a child displays infrequent childhood aggression a consultation to discuss challenges and provide advice may be sufficient to provide advice to parents/carers.


Parents and Carers may also benefit from attending our Managing Childhood Aggression Workshop.

Did you know?

1 in 10 children

suffer from a mental health problem
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